The sacred stone of Neptune, with a characteristic blue or turquoise colour. It is a symbol of youth, hope, health, and the devotion of newlyweds and is a powerful amulet of sailors.
Its name comes from the Latin words Aqua marine (water of the sea), referring to its blue or turquoise colour. According to mythology, Aqua marine was considered the sacred stone of Poseidon, which had escaped from the trunks with the treasures of the Nereids. It was believed that the stone brought the favour of the spirits of light. Epiphanius describes it as 'Beryllion, glistening, sea-going', Pliny as the stone from the palace of the mermaids, while Hermes Trismegistus describes it as the stone that bestows health and happiness on its owner. Aqua marine embodies all the goods of the sea and is associated with the peace it offers; it is a powerful amulet for seafarers and a symbol of devotion for newlyweds. The Romans attributed to it a variety of healing properties, especially for diseases of the larynx, stomach and liver, and considered it an antidote to poisons. In the 19th century Aqua marine adorned the engagement ring of the bride-to-be. It helps to filter perception, clarifying confusion, reducing stress. It sharpens intuition, aids meditation, and aligns the chakras. Its blue color helps relax the nervous system, reduces blood pressure and facilitates decision-making. Belongs to the cyclopyrite minerals, is a variety of beryl and belongs to the hexagonal crystallographic system. Its transparency ranges from opaque to transparent. The largest Aqua marine crystal was discovered in 1910 in Brazil and weighed 105 kg. Its mining countries are Brazil, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Nigeria, Madagascar, Russia.